How to become a Data Scientist in 2021?

Nidhi Thakkar
2 min readApr 16, 2021

Being a good data scientist encompasses aspects from having a problem-solving mindset to storytelling & communication skills. Here are some steps that will help you in your journey towards your Data Science career:

Have necessary skills

Broadly speaking, the skills required to become a Data Scientist could be classified into 2 categories: Hard Skills and Soft Skills.

Hard Skills:

  1. Basic Mathematics
  2. Coding
  3. Data Analysis and Manipulation
  4. Data Visualization
  5. ML Algorithms

Soft Skills:

  1. Problem Solving
  2. Critical thinking
  3. Creativity
  4. Storytelling
  5. Communication

Build a Portfolio

The best way to learn and also help others learn along the way is to document your process. This can be done in the form of:

  • Writing Blogs
  • Creating a website of your work
  • Publish your code on Github
  • Create Videos explaining concepts

Practice through competitions

Kaggle competitions are a good way to grow your data science skills by competing in exciting competitions. It has a leaderboard where you can showcase your talent and compete with other budding data scientists. You can also earn if you win some competitions hosted by organisations.
And, if you’re just getting started with coding and practicing real-world problems, a good strategy would be to look at existing solutions and notebooks to get an idea of how to go about solving similar problems.

Networking and being a part of communities

Networking is one of the best ways to learn from one-another. You can attend various online or in-person meetups to learn and share your knowledge. Forming communities and leveraging them can help everyone grow as a whole.

Originally published at on April 16, 2021.

