Being Human in the Age of Tech: Rediscovering the Art of Connection

Nidhi Thakkar
2 min readApr 24, 2023
Photo by Aleksandr Ledogorov on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a world not too long ago, people would gather around a warm fire, sharing stories, laughter, and love…

Sounds like a fairy tale, doesn’t it? But it’s our own history. Our ancestors would huddle together, weaving tales and imparting wisdom. In today’s fast-paced world of technology, have we lost the essence of what it means to be human? Are we so consumed by our screens that we have forgotten the simple joy of genuine connections?

So, how do we balance our humanity with the benefits of technology? Let’s explore three key steps.

1. The Importance of Mindful Communication

In a world of instant messages and endless notifications, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. To maintain our humanity in the digital age, we must practice mindful communication. Consider these simple tips:

  • Quality over quantity: Engage in meaningful conversations rather than just exchanging emojis or likes.
  • Listen actively: Truly pay attention to the person you’re communicating with, whether online or in person.
  • Embrace the art of the pause: Allow space for silence and reflection in your conversations, providing room for deeper connections.

2. Digital Detox: The Power of Unplugging

As we navigate the digital age, it’s essential to take breaks from the constant stream of information. A digital detox can help you regain your sense of self and your connection to others. Here’s how:

  • Create tech-free zones: Designate spaces in your home, like the bedroom or dining room, as areas without screens.
  • Schedule tech-free time: Commit to a specific period each day when you disconnect from devices and focus on personal well-being or face-to-face interactions.
  • Embrace hobbies that don’t involve screens: Rediscover activities such as painting, reading, or playing an instrument to cultivate mindfulness and creativity.

3. Humanize Technology: Harnessing Tech for Good

While it’s crucial to balance our tech usage, it’s also important to recognize that technology has the potential to enhance our humanity. Let’s explore ways to humanize technology:

  • Use tech to foster connections: Seek out platforms or apps that encourage real conversation, collaboration, and community building.
  • Leverage technology for learning and growth: Engage with online resources that promote personal development, empathy, and global understanding.
  • Support ethical tech companies: Choose to engage with businesses that prioritize user privacy, mental well-being, and social responsibility.

Reclaiming Our Humanity: A Journey Worth Taking

The age of technology offers us incredible opportunities, but it also presents unique challenges to our humanity. By practicing mindful communication, embracing digital detoxes, and humanizing technology, we can find the perfect balance between our digital and human selves. After all, what’s more human than striving to be better?

